Car Parks
Parking is becoming a bigger and bigger challenge on business and private trips. Problems with finding free parking spaces not only frustrate drivers but also contribute to traffic jams. Therefore, we become particularly sensitive to the inability to find a free parking space and more and more often pay attention to whether the place we are going to is driver-friendly. It is in the best interest of cities and commercial facilities to provide a large number of parking spaces and ensure convenient communication between them, as well as the security of parked vehicles.
Today, car parks are not only designated parking spaces. Investors of parking facilities implement solutions that increase the comfort of users and improve the efficiency of the entire car park. The parking technologies provided by C&C Partners are individually tailored to the investor's needs, they are perfect for both P&R public car parks and shopping centers. Numerous implementations of security and parking management systems in Poland prove our strong position on the market, built on the trust and satisfaction of customers.

We offer a range of technological solutions that allow meeting the challenges such as:
- Improving navigation to a free parking space
- Parking automation
- Improving the safety of parked vehicles
- Optimizing the use of free parking spaces
- Remote car search
- Statistics and report systems
Multilevel car parks
Location and indication of free parking spaces
One of the systems that improve communication in the car park is the ParkEyes system for locating and indicating available spaces. The system is based on cameras monitoring every single place. It increases the safety of parked vehicles while allowing the use of sensors to generate and increase income. The basic feature of the ParkEyes system is the ability to find a parked car by information kiosks located at the entrances to car parks or by a mobile application.
Earning money on car parks
Increasing the efficiency and profitability of car parks is possible thanks to a system of intelligent sensors that collect a huge amount of data on the behavior, preferences, and patterns of using car parks. All this data is passed to a powerful web-based management platform that provides minimizing costs and increases revenues. Thanks to the generated reports, it is possible to analyze the way the facility is used, to control lighting costs, develop a strategy for improving the usage of space, or plan maintenance works during off-peak hours. The data also allows you to identify seasonal and cyclical trends related to the number of customers, and thus generated revenue.
The system enables flexible checking of fees for parking spaces, narrowing down even to one level of the parking lot, indicating new possibilities to find additional revenues in the functioning facility. Car park users who arrive during the day are willing to pay more for freely definable premium spaces. With ParkEyes, you can also easily designate spaces for Premium pricing - or other terms of your pricing strategy - throughout your facility. When the vehicle is in the Premium space, the ParkEyes camera sensor sends the vehicle identification and parking duration data to the Revenue Control System, which sets a price rate for the specific spaces.
Basic functions to increase income:
- Charging double when car occupies two parking spaces.
- Designation of special zones, e.g. VIP or short stay zones, where we can vary the rate of fees.
- Designating different toll zones on one parking level depending on their location.
- Creating the so-called white and blacklists - blacklists eliminate customers, suppliers, or employees (often in the best parking spaces) who are not authorized to enter under privileged conditions.
Video surveillance
Continuous surveillance of each parked vehicle allows you to register dangerous events - those that could damage the facility. The system can also inform about the entry of VIP guests or important customers who often use the car park in, e. g.: a shopping mall, theater, or airport. Another advantage is the information billboards that show the number of free spaces on each level of the parking lot.
Solutions for P&R municipal car parks
Tailored-made software by C&C Partners
Additionally, C&C Partners, as a technology partner, implements software projects for the parking industry. Opening the barrier from a smartphone, or based on the reading of license plate numbers from LPR cameras, is already a standard that replaces outdated remote controls or access cards. Incorporating parking systems into one system that will allow efficient management of multiple parking lots in a dispersed infrastructure, or one parking lot in a complex building system is becoming a new standard.